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Well, many places in Ireland are still covered in snow and there is probably more to come!

We have collected some videos of dog owners making the most of things and letting their dogs play in the Irish snow.

Just remember if you do bring your dog outside in the snow, that there may be residues of poisonous chemicals – for example de-icer, on the ground.

It is also a good idea to you clean and dry your dog’s paws when you return home.


Schietekat dog in snow – December 2010. Video by stevanschietekat – Dublin, Ireland.

Jess in the snow. Video by EmmaSynnott – Dublin, Ireland.

A Boxer Dog in the Snow. Video by jrparkvidio – Co. Donegal, Ireland.

Dogs on a snowy day. Video by heilong79 – Dublin, Ireland.

Timber wipeout in the snow, Dublin. Video by timberbaby1 – Dublin, Ireland.

Ireland Dublin Snow December 1st 2010 Ellie. Video by Poutabout – Dublin, Ireland.

We hope you have enjoyed watching the videos 🙂

If you have a video of picture please get in touch!

On you can compare pet insurance in Ireland.

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