Pablo - Image from DublinPeople
An elderly widow Christine McGlone, 85, is devastated following the loss of her loving pet chihuahua dog Pablo on Dollymount, Strand two weeks ago.
She has lost all faith in humanity and believes someone is delibertly keeping her dog. “Give it back,” she says. There are plenty of loving dogs in the dog homes. She had just lost her last best friend, a dog of 13 years. But despite the odds she fell in love with Pablo and was full of the joys of life again.
Lets use the power of PetInsuranceIreland.com to help make an elderly woman happy again, so if you see Pablo, you can contact Christine McGlone 0868032689 or 0878279308.
If you find a dog that isn’t Pablo, you should contact a dog sanctuary – who may be able to help home the dog.
Every years hundreds of dogs go missing. Make sure you keep your dog on a lead when out-side, and be responsible with your pet at all times.
Compare and review pet insurance on PetInsuranceIreland.com.
Pablo's Return,